Conan Exiles Oil

Dear Exiles,As we’re getting closer and closer to launch we’re stocking up on the midnight oil and we’re burning it with reckless abandon. These are busy times, hectic times, but also very exciting times. The studio is buzzing with activity and we’re working hard to make sure the game is ready for the grand premiere on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 8 th.With only three months to go before the big day, we wanted to take the opportunity to talk to you about how the launch version of Conan Exiles will look.In the past couple of months, we’ve had to make some serious decisions as to what will be in for launch. We’ve been going through every aspect of the game (including things still in development) and we have evaluated everything based on a range of criteria. Some features or content simply ended up not being good enough, some things have ended up not making sense for the game, some things have been replaced with other features and content, while some things just turned out to be out of reach from a technical or development capacity standpoint. When you’re closing in on launch you must make some difficult choices and we’ve been doing a lot of that during the past few months.We’re now at a point where we are able to commit to what’s going to be in for launch and what’s not, and we want to take this opportunity to offer full transparency on what and why.This coming Friday we will be doing another live stream where we will set aside some time to talk about this update.

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If you have any questions or comments please let us know during the stream and we will try and answer as many questions and address as many comments we can during the stream. The stream will go live at 5pm CET on Friday February 16 th at.Major new features and content coming for launchSwamp and Volcano BiomesWhen we launch Conan Exiles, the world will be twice as big than it was when we first launched Early Access. Starting May 8 th players will have full access to a vast new swamp biome, full of new monsters, new crafting recipes, weapons and armor, new locations, building materials, and more.

The swamp will be an integrated part of the main map and can be found on the eastern side just above the southern desert. A new volcano biome will also be added to the Frozen North area.New combat systemWhen we did our Easter community survey last year, improved combat was the single-most requested feature.

In fact, the overwhelming majority told us this should be the number one priority of the development team. Being a game based on Conan the Barbarian and his savage world, melee combat was always something we wanted to make sure was a step above other games in the genre and your feedback confirmed that should be our focus, so we set out to work.The new combat system is a complete and total overhaul. It changes everything. It feels a lot more visceral, it relies on thought and tactics, and most importantly it makes combat a lot more fun.

To get an impression of how it all look and plays, check out the recorded livestream above.The new combat system also introduces a brand new HUD and several significant improvements to several of the user interface elements in the game. We will continue to improve and iterate on the HUD towards launch based on the feedback we receive.The PurgeThe purge was one of the features we talked about early on and it’s been important to us to make sure we get it ready simply because it’s a key ingredient to closing the gameplay loop.The purge was initially conceived as NPC armies coming from outside the Exiled Lands to attack players. As we decided that the team working on this should spend more time polishing and optimizing the general AI on all creatures and NPCs in the game, we had to go back and rescope this feature in order to make sure we could launch with a solid implementation.The important thing to close the gameplay loop is to have a purge mechanic that sees creatures or NPCs present a danger to your base. In PvP you already have the danger of players coming in to attack your city, and you need to build smart and you need to set up defenses to keep attackers at bay. In PvE and single-player we haven’t had such a threat, which means there has been a certain lack of meaning to building a fortified base.The purge mechanic at launch will see creatures and NPCs attack your base, even when you’re not logged in, so you need to consider traps, walls, thralls, and other defenses.

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It can be a lone hyena trying to knock down your door, or it could be a group of bandits coming in to break down your walls. The purge mechanic will be active on all official servers, and private server admins can choose to turn it on or off on their hosted servers.We look forward to showing you more of this as we get closer to launch.FarmingIf you ever need a respite from the skull-crushing savagery of the barbarian lifestyle, you will be able to enjoy the laidback life of an exiled farmer. At least until the shalebacks come tearing through your crops.In order to farm crops, you’ll need to be able to obtain seeds from the crop you want to farm. Seeds are gained from plants when you use the Sickle. Seeds can then be placed into a Planter to, over time, grow a crop. Each seed results in a total of 10 crops, except for certain specialized crops.

You’ll need to power the planters using Fertilizer. Fertilizer is made in a Compost Heap, which is craftable via the inventory. Certain plants require special Potent Fertilizer, also made in the Compost Heap using special ingredients.All non-aquatic plants can be farmed, as well as the Orange Phykos.A new religionWe are adding an entirely new religion to the game with a brand new avatar: Derketo! She is a dual-natured goddess who is worshipped in Stygia as the queen of lust and fertility, while feared in the Black Kingdoms as the goddess of death.

She is both terrible and beautiful.This addition represents an entirely new religious path, with three tiers of altars and special crafting ingredients and items you can only create when following Derketo. We look forward to showing you more of this as we get closer to launch.War PaintWar paint is confirmed for launch. You learn about war paint through the Feats window, like most other crafting recipes. You craft war paint using Papyrus, which creates a special pattern that you then apply to your character.There are two kinds of war paint. One is purely visual, with 7 different kinds of cultural styles and patterns you can apply. The other gives you a +3 bonus to one of your attributes. When we revamp the attributes system to include perks, war paint can be used to give you those extra stat points you’ll need to unlock a particular perk.

You can only have one pattern on at a time, so remember to choose wisely.Cultural style war paint will last about a week in real time, but stat boosting war paint will fade after about an hour. So, it could be a good idea to pack extra patterns.Fast TravelWe know a lot of you really want a way to quickly get around the world, so we’ve gone ahead and added fast travel!Scattered around the world you will discover obelisks and once you have interacted with them you will be able to fast travel to them from your base. In order to do that you need to build a map room (pictured above), and as you discover more obelisks you will unlock new areas that you can fast travel to.Perk systemThe new perks give you meaningful choices about how to play (and roleplay) the game. As you spend points in abilities, you unlock these powerful perks.Does your character lean towards cannibalism?

Invest in the Survival tree and gain the “Raw and Bloody” perk – which gives you the ability to consume raw flesh without penalty.Are you playing a nimble warrior? Invest in the Agility tree to learn “Extended Leap” and perform amazing feats of acrobatics.A pack rat?

To help mitigate the pains of death, we have two big tips.Conan Exiles Tip 2: Check the map Hit 'M' to open the map. Unlike other games, the map does not change. If you're in a bad spot, open the map before you die and study it quickly. You'll know exactly where you are and can try and run back to recover your items.Conan Exiles Tip 3: Don't Carry Valuables The other tip is to not carry all your valuables on you.

Once you have a house, leave everything behind and only bring the bare essentials (, food). The less you have on you when you die, the better.Conan Exiles Tip 4: Level Up 3 Key Stats. When you level up, you get points that you can allocate to stats.

They all serve a purpose, but there are three very important ones early on. Strength, Vitality and Encumbrance are the best three to get levels in early on. Strength makes your attacks stronger, Vitality gives you more health and Encumbrance allows you to carry more items, all of which are vital for new characters.Do keep in mind that there is a max level of 50 in the game, so don't waste all your points on these stats. However, getting them each to level 5-6 will give you a nice, healthy boost in those areas early on.Conan Exiles Tip 5: Find Water, Food Very quickly you will realize that your Food and Health guages deplete at an alarming rate.

This will vary from server to server, but generally speaking you will be needing to find a source of food and water every few minutes.It's important then to get to an area where both are plentiful. Water is easy enough, as rivers and lakes are plentiful, and you can simply walk up and drink from them by interacting with the water.

Food can be tougher. Meat has to be cooked before you eat it, or else you get food poisoning. Cooking requires a firepit, which can take time, time you don't always have. There are other, more temporary options however. Small bugs can be found when harvesting grass. They won't do much, but it can buy you a few minutes when you're about to die of hunger. Large grubs can also be seen on the ground, they look like huge, white worms.

Lastly, you can find nests with eggs in them, which will give you quite a lot of food.Conan Exiles Tip 6: Build a House One of the most important things to get early on is a house. It doesn't have to be pretty, or even big. You just need somewhere to and store your items.Depending on your server, building a house can be slow, or quite fast. Regardless, your first house should only be a few squares in size.

2x2 is more than enough to contain a bed and some chests for storage. Basically think of this as your starting shack, and you can build a full size house after.Houses are important because they offer protection, from monsters roaming the land and other players who want to steal your items. Most important of all, it provides you a safe haven for your bed.Conan Exiles Tip 7: Have a House? Once you had a house, the next most important thing you can make is a bed. Why's that you may ask?Beds act as respawn points. Once you place it on the ground, simply interact with it again and you'll get a notification that it is now your respawn point.One thing to remember, not all beds are the same. For example, can only be used once.

After respawning at it, it will break and you need to make another one. Better beds can be used more often, but will take some time before you can build.Conan Exiles Tip 8: Make a Friend, or 5 Although you can certainly play the game alone, finding allies will make the experience both more enjoyable, and easier. Many of the late game options requires a lot of. So much in fact that if you were to collect them alone, you'd be at it for hours.Making friends, or playing with friends will allow you to build more stuff, and defend what you have on a much greater scale.Of course, this is a game where PvP is always an option, so sometimes, your attempts at friendship might end up with you losing your head, but you should still try!Conan Exiles Tip 9: Unlock the Experienced Survivalist Recipe One of the first recipes you should get is Experienced Survivalist. The reason for this, is that it unlocks the, which is mandatory to cooking meat. Without it, you'll be stuck eating bugs.Once you have it, work towards getting a fire as soon as possible.

Toss it inside your house, and then put some in it to turn it on. It will act as a light source at night and any raw meat you put in it will cook. Cooked meat will fill your food bar very quickly and doesn't poison you.Conan Exiles Tip 10: Horde Everything items in Conan Exiles takes a lot of. Even if you think you won't be needing, or, pick them up and store them anyways. Even some of the very last recipes will still require these basic ingredients, so there's no reason not to pick them up.This does mean you'll be needing a lot of storage space. Building a bunch of chests will be mandatory, so as you build a bigger house, make sure to add room for storage areas.Conan Exiles Tip 11: Learn the Map Once you have some time, and a safe place to call home, you should learn the surrounding area.

The map in Conan Exiles is always the same, so the more you know, the better off you will be.The first thing to know is that the difficulty of the environment increases as you go further North and further West. New players always spawn in the South-East corner, which also has the easiest enemies.Also note that while the difficulty of enemies goes up, so to does the quality of the you will find. Better start heading North into the dangerous territories to get it.Conan Exiles Tip 12: Build a Shrine Once you've established yourself, you should build a shrine to your god of choice. Shrines can offer very special, and useful items.

The only downside is that they take a considerable amount of to build. This means it's best to make one once you have a few friends playing with you, so you all can contribute towards its.Conan Exiles Tip 13: Fight Monsters! An important part of Conan Exiles is leveling up. Once you have yourself safely established, do small excursions outside to hunt down animals. Not only do you want the, but combat is the fastest way to level up.Do be careful about what you pick a fight with though. Even in the lowest level area, some monsters can pack a serious punch! Early on, you should stick to small creatures, and at all costs you should avoid the large crocodiles that sometimes patrol rivers.