Dungeons Of Chaos Walkthrough

Welcome to Dungeons of Chaos! The game has recently been released for PC, Mac and Linux on STEAM (STORE PAGE. Video trailer link), and has been available for Android (GooglePlayStore Link) and iOS (Apple Store Link) since 2016. It was originally released (Dec 2014) for iPad-only, but that version has been removed when this one came.

Story walkthroughThe first thing you are going to want to do is to play through the game as the assassin to learn what to expect for your other playthroughs. The assassin is one of 4 playable classes available to you at the start, and he is MUCH more powerful than the other classes. With the assassin highlighted, hit to select your difficulty to Easy, then hit. This will bring up a menu of mansions.

Currently only 1 will be available until you complete the game at least once, so select Omphar.You will start in a randomly generated map. The goal is to search every room and fully explore the map before moving onto the next level. This is to gain lots of experience points, as well as to find more loot to make you stronger.

Some rooms are locked and there are 5 different type of keys. If you find a locked door and you have the correctly coloured key in your inventory, you are free to enter. These rooms always have treasure chests containing valuable loot. If you find a locked room and do not have the correct key, pass it for now, and if you find the correct key soon, head back and open it.It is not worth it however, to head back to previous levels to enter locked rooms, as every time you start a new floor, the item drops get better and you no longer need the old items from previous floors. Doors can also have more than one lock. Doors can be locked by two different keys, or two of the same.

You are also not guaranteed to find locked doors in every playthrough. Each map is randomly generated, but the chance of finding a locked door is quite high in each dungeon but not every floor. The mini-map in the upper right hand corner of the screen will show you what key you need where. You can bring up a larger map by hitting. After you locate a key (either by looting objects or buying one from a shopkeeper) and unlocking your first door you will earn the following. Throughout your first playthrough you will almost certainly encounter a boss sometime.

Bosses are larger than normal creatures, and are 2-3 times as strong. If you open a room to a boss the words 'Boss encounter' will flash red on your screen. These creatures can often kill you with one hit. It is usually best to avoid these creatures and come back when you are stronger. I have died many times thinking I could squeak out one last hit on a boss to kill them, only to have them critically hit me for my entire life bar. In this game if you die, the entire game starts over so the trick is to be careful to be patient. After you kill your first boss you will nab another achievement.

Keep killing bosses throughout your other playthroughs, as there is an achievement for killing 20 bosses as well. 1 guideAlso, in your first playthrough you will notice little grey headstones with a purple gem. These are quests for you to complete. There are two types of quests. The first is to locate an object. Typically a skull, crown, or lantern will be placed randomly on the floor in which you found the quest.

Big tower tiny square hacked unblocked. Alright, here goes.Things that you'll want to download to atleast setup speedrunning1) A Timer2) A Video Capture Device or SoftwareI personnally use LiveSplit (A Timer) and OBS (it is up to you whether you use OBS Classic or OBS Studio.More resources for speedrunning can be found on under the resource tab on the website, and you can look at my speedrun on the official Big Tower Tiny Square leaderboards here to see what it looks like -You can always ask questions, and I'll be back to this forum more often as I see that you are active and respond rather quickly.See you around.

If you hit to open your inventory, you can hit twice to view a list of quests you have active. Object quests will typically say something like 'Locate the magic crown, it is located in the north section of floor 5'. The other type of quest is to kill a powerful creature. These creatures are less power than bosses but more powerful versions of the normal enemies you fight on that floor. They will typically say something like 'Kill Gormath, he was last seen in the south-east section of floor 3'.

You will know when you have found one of these quest creatures as they all have a slight green tint to their normal colour. Complete 1 quest for the next achievement and remember to keep completing quests throughout your other playthroughs. You will need 50 total to get both achievements.

Your next task is to simply finish the dungeon. There are 7 floors and it is advisable to fully explore every single floor and kill every enemy before moving on to the next level.

You will need the extra experience points and loot. At a random location on the 7th floor you will encounter the final boss. He appears just like all other bosses but this one will have a skull face with a robe and he will be able to attack you from quite a distance. If you have decent gear you will not have much problem just pelting him with arrows from the doorway for an easy kill. If you like, you can hit to open the door to his room (once you find it) fire a few arrows until he hits you back a few times. Hit again to close his door (no enemy will ever open a door to chase you) you are then free to use health potions, cast defensive skills, and use potions to boost your stats. Once at full health, open the door again and fire away once again.

The boss may chase you through the door but he is more likely to sit back and fire ranged spells at you. Once defeated, all you have to do is open the (unlocked) treasure chest in his room and pick up the items. This completes the dungeon and nabs you a few more achievements.

1 guideNow that you have completed the game at least once, you have a good idea of what to expect on your next few playthroughs. Each character class plays a bit different. You will have unlocked a new dungeon and a new character class at this point but we will get to those later.

This time pick the warrior (also on easy) and pick the same dungeon you just completed. The warrior is a melee only class with only a few of learnable skills. To attack with the warrior you can either hit while standing next to an enemy, or just press the D-pad in the direction of the enemy to automatically attack in that direction. Playing as the warrior you will have to keep stocked up on health potions. Feel free to sell any mana potions you find as he does not use magic.


The reason you will need the extra potions is that all ranged enemies you find will get multiple hits on you before you even reach them to attack. The warrior does have the most natural defense and the highest damage output per hit but getting TO some of the enemies will be a challenge. You will want to skip almost ALL bosses at first and come back to them after you have leveled up a few times. Many times I opened the door to a boss and was killed in the first two steps just trying to get to the boss. Since you are not playing as the assassin, you are much more likely to start dying during your playthroughs. I will be honest, sometimes this game DOES cheat.

I have started brand new playthroughs before only to open the first door in the mansion directly to a boss. It will be extremely annoying to suddenly die when you do not expect it but there is also an achievement that REQUIRES you to die. Each time you die in a dungeon, you have the chance to leave a ghost behind.

There is no way to know if and when these are left when you die. As you replay dungeons after a death, you have a chance to encounter these ghosts. Below is a screenshot of what they look like. In this instance, I was playing as a warrior and I happened to encounter the ghost of a previous playthrough when I was playing as the necrodancer. These ghosts will attack you like any other enemies and they have the same skills you had when you died. They will always appear in the same dungeon and on the same floor that you died on. If you defeat your ghost, it will leave behind all of the gear you were wearing when you died and left the ghost.

You will have to defeat 3 of these ghosts for the next achievement. This may come early in your time playing this game or it may come towards the end.

It all depends on how often you die. Just be on the lookout for these ghosts and after you defeat 3 of them, the next achievement shall be yours. Now it is time to mix things up a little bit. Select the Wizard (on easy) and now select Rackan mansion as your dungeon. Rackan dungeon is almost identical to the previous dungeon but the floors are mixed up a little different and the level 7 boss is a blue blob instead of a grim reaper looking fellow. The floor to floor interaction remains exactly the same.

We use the wizard here as he is mostly a ranged fighter with magical spells they can cast. The enemies on Rackan's first floor can use ranged weapons and spells where they mostly do NOT on the games first dungeon.

It is easier to combat ranged enemies with a ranged character yourself. Lords of the fallen walkthrough. You will play as the wizard much like you did the assassin at first. Enter a room, Spam your fireball spell to kill enemies and continue on. Keep an eye on your mana bar.

It replenishes every time you gain a level so feel free to fire away with everything you've got when your exp bar at the top of the screen is nearing full. The wizard will find tomes with lots of varied magical spells. Lightning bolts, ice bolts, fireballs, etc. Ice bolts can temporarily freeze your enemies.

Fire spells have the ability to set your enemy on fire and have them continuously take damage with every action they take. Using the wizard is up to your own play style and whichever spells you prefer to use as they are mostly all fairly balanced. When you defeat the level 7 blob and loot his chest, your tour of duty with the wizard is over.

There are two more characters to play as. The shaman and the necrodancer. They both play similarly. They are half melee/half spell characters. The shaman starts off with a powerful spell that puts enemies to sleep giving you free turns to walk up and hit them. The necrodancer starts off with a large explosion spell that deals fire damage to a 3x3 grid anywhere she can see.

Utilizing these spells to keep enemies in check and moving in close for melee damage is the way to play as these characters. I would recommend playing the games first mansion again on easy for both of these playthroughs as you have now played the game quite a few times and know what to expect. The necrodancer is widely believed to be the games weakest character.

The most annoying thing about the necrodancer is that unlike the other classes, her movement across the screen is not fluid at all. She dances and hops across the screen instead of walking and it is quite jarring to stare at this action for an hour or more across 7 floors.While doing these playthroughs there is 1 task that you will want to accomplish. On floor one, when you locate the shop, do not buy anything. Instead, total up the cost of everything he has for sale and write it down. Skip him entirely for now.

Do not buy or sell to him and head to floor 2. Feel free to buy/sell as much as you want to the other shopkeepers in the game. Once you have more money than is needed to buy out the first shop head back down to the first floor and do so. Buy everything he has but do NOT sell anything to him until his inventory is 100% empty. Make sure your inventory is mostly empty before trying this as you will need enough space to hold it all. Once you have done this an achievement will pop and you are free to sell everything back to him.

If you sell anything to him before buying, you are just going to have to buy that item back to earn this achievement and this requires more gold. At this point we will be playing as the assassin for the remainder of the games achievements. We are going to do 3 more playthroughs to get the remaining 9 achievements. For the next 3 achievements select the first mansion again but this time while selecting your character hit to select the 'hell' difficulty. On hell, the enemies hit harder and have more life and you will find fewer shops to buy and sell at than you do on easy. Everything else about the game is the same. You will want to take this playthrough much slower than you normally would.

I would advise to skip all bosses and ignore quests that task you with killing creatures until you have gained a few more levels. Often I would find a boss and shut the door on him, explore the rest of the floor and even start fighting on the next floor to level up more and to find better loot before I would go back to take him on. You will want to kill everything you see (even if you have to temporarily skip enemies) to gain as many levels as you can to be stronger for the boss. The tricks to beating him are the same. Just be ready with health potions when you get to him and do not be afraid to drink them early as if the boss scores a critical hit on you, it may take the entirety of your health down in one hit. Once you finish this playthrough you earn 3 more achievements.

1 guideFor the next playthrough, select the assassin again. This time select a custom dungeon.

You will want to make a 110x110 dungeon with 10 floors on hard difficulty. On this playthrough you will have a few goals to accomplish. The floors will be much larger than you are used to.

This means more enemies, more loot, more exp, and more traps. If you have not done so already, step on every trap you locate. Randomly you will disarm these traps and this is more likely to happen while playing as the assassin. The higher level you are the higher chance of disarming the trap. Some of these traps also contain loot. The only way to find out is to step on it and find out. When you disarm a trap with loot in it you will earn another achievement.

1 guideLastly, just finish the 10 floors. The boss for this custom map is on floor 10 instead of floor 7.

The strategies are all the same and since the floors are huge, you will be gaining massive amounts of experience points. When you are around level 20, you do not have to worry about fully exploring every floor anymore.

I myself gave up searching everything when I hit level 22 or so when I was on floor 8. At this high of a level I was one-shot killing every enemy I saw. Feel free to take this playthrough as slow or fast as you want. Finish all 10 floors and the achievement is yours. 1 guideYou only have one last achievement in the game and that is for beating the game in under 30 minutes. This is the only achievement that presents any sort of real challenge. Select the assassin on easy one last time.

You will use the same strategies to beat the game but the key is to skip all bosses and completely ignore most lootable objects in the rooms. Walk in, destroy all your enemies, pick up weapons and armour if they drop any. If they do not drop anything worth while, skip the rest of the room and head on to the next one. You will want to gain 1-3 levels per floor and then move on. Quest markers are not worth the time it takes to locate the enemy/object needed to complete it. Activate them if you wish but do NOT go out of your way to finish them. Do not leave the current floor the second you find the stairs even though it sounds tempting.

Make sure to gain a level or two first. You will want to spend n average of 4 minutes on each floor. Fly through the room, kill everything, level up fast and move on to the next floor. Once you have defeated the level 7 boss on this playthrough you will have your full 1000 gamerscore in this fun game.