Gran Turismo 5

As the first game to center its experience around the Internet, and with the demise of the online services, a lot of content and features now go unused.Secret OptionsThe previous two PlayStation 3 titles, and, had a 'Secret menu' that allowed for configuration of various aspects in the game. Well, surprise! It's in here, too. However, the button code used to access it in the previously mentioned titles has been taken out in this game, and probably for good reason. While the button code is gone, the menu is still accessible by changing some data in the game save.

“Gran Turismo 5” is critically acclaimed as one of the most commercially successful titles, becoming the second best-selling PlayStation 3 game in the series with over 10 million copies sold. This will definitely be a game that helps players can relax at home in their spare time.

To do:Not only is an image of these options needed, but there exist applications written by others that can change the data in a save game to enable the Secret options menu. The part of the data that needs to be changed in order to enable it needs to be documented here.Features OverviewWhile some of these options are identical to those found in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, there is also a slew of new options available.

Some options were taken out in older versions of the game, but this section will cover features only found in the latest version.Special SettingsThis category has been present in Gran Turismo HD Concept and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, so it would obviously be here, too. Just like the previous two titles, these settings primarily consist of limiting the player's time and selection of content within the game, as well as other settings that were probably used in public kiosk and event scenarios. Demo Usage - It is not exactly certain what this drop-down option does, but the tooltip indicates that this option would 'Change modes to match demo usage'. The only setting to select from (apart from nothing) is 'Mercedes-Benz World'. Own Car Limits - Toggling this to ON will limit the selection of cars available to players in Arcade Mode.

The selection of cars can be configured in the Favorite Cars category. Limited Opponent Cars - Just like the previous option, except it limits the opponents that players will race against. However, this option will also affect opponents in GT Mode. The selection of cars can be configured in the Favorite Opponents category. Limited Course - Identical to the last two options, except it limits the selection of courses available to players in Arcade Mode. The selection of courses can be configured in the Favorite Courses category. Limited Makes - This option is disabled and set to OFF, but the tooltip indicates that it would 'Set to make-specific mode.'

. Race Time Limit - Sets the time limit of gameplay in 10-second increments, all the way up to 3600 seconds. Time Trial Lap Count - Sets the number of laps for Arcade Mode's Time Trial; defaults to Infinite and can be set up to 99. Detect Inaction - Sets a time in 10-second increments up to 300 seconds that would return to the main menu if the game was left idle for too long in Arcade Mode.

Network Sign-in on Startup - Exactly as it says on the tin; prompts the player to sign-in to PSN on boot. Defaults to ON. High Quality Replay - Another option that isn't exactly known as to what it does, but its tooltip explains that setting it to ON 'Generates a high resolution replay.

This results in a very large size replay data.' Default setting is OFF. This needs some investigation.Discuss ideas and findings on the. Guest Name - A text entry box. Allows you to enter text, but where it would be used is unknown.

The text entered does not appear in Arcade Mode nor GT Mode. Current Lap Time Display - Another option that is exactly as it says on the tin.

Defaults to ON.Toggle DisplayJust like in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, this category allows you to toggle the display of available icons to select from on the My Page screen. It is possible to lock the player out of the Options menu or game modes with this, and if that happens, the save data will need to be deleted and a new save must be created to restore the original settings. Worth noting is that an icon which is not selected (hidden) by default is 'labellounge'. Enabling and selecting the icon on the My Page screen reveals that its name is Online Race. Selecting it reveals a list of five options to select from. The first two options, Quick Match and Open Lobby, require the player to be signed-in to PSN and connected to the game's servers, but since the servers have been taken down, it is not exactly known what these options would do.

When the game's servers were still accessible, Open Lobby, which referred to multiplayer racing mode, was accessed from GT Life menu instead. The third option, LAN Battle, when selected, instantly cuts the screen to black before the game transitions back to the My Page screen. The fourth and fifth options, Edit Name and Edit Region, present text entry screens. Their usage is unknown, but it can be assumed it was for use with the other three options.Favorite CarsHere, you can select up to 80 cars that will be available to players in Arcade Mode.

For these settings to take effect, Own Car Limits must be set to ON in the Special Settings category. There is a Sort by Make drop-down box, allowing you to filter the cars that will be displayed by the specified manufacturer and make cars easier to find for selection. Only Premium cars are selectable.

There is a Sort by Model drop-down box, which has options for Premium and Standard cars, but the Standard option does not work.Favorite OpponentsSimilar to the previous category, you can select up to 80 cars that will appear as opponents. For these settings to take effect, Limited Opponent Cars must be set to ON in the Special Settings category. As mentioned before, the opponents selected here will also appear in GT Mode. This can allow for rather crazy races to be self-made by the player, such as NASCAR cars on the same course as karts, or events in GT Mode can have custom opponents. The same characteristics from Favorite Cars apply here.

You can sort by make to find cars easily, and only Premium cars are selectable, despite there being a non-working option for Standard cars. An interesting note is that the Ferrari F2007 and the Ferrari F10 '10 are not selectable in this category. This is probably due to licensing restrictions on these cars being used in the game.Favorite CoursesIdentical to the previous category, you can select up to 20 courses for players to choose from in Arcade Mode.

For these settings to take effect, Limited Course must be set to ON in the Special Settings category. There is a Sort by Category drop-down box, allowing you to filter courses by a particular category to make selecting courses easier, such as Real Circuits or Dirt and Snow courses. There is a fifth category 'coursecategorytemplate'. Attempting to filter courses with this category on will exclaim 'MESSAGECOURSENOTFOUND'. This was possibly meant for courses made with the Course Maker, or perhaps randomly generated courses. There are four entries of The Top Gear Test Track present on the list. The third entry, the Weather Change version, is found on the IB-1 License Test in GT Mode.

Despite being available for selection in the list, if selected, it does not appear in the Track Select of Arcade Mode. It is unclear what the second and fourth entries are, but selecting them doesn't make them appear for selection in Arcade Mode either. If only the second, third, or fourth entries are selected on the list, and when the game goes to the Track Select screen in Arcade Mode, the game will hang with a permanently busy cursor with the message 'There are no courses to select yet.' You must quit the game at this point, as you are unable to move the cursor or go back to the previous screen. DLC courses are selectable here, and can be played in Arcade Mode despite the appropriate DLC not being installed. It is worth noting that the order in which the courses appear in may be linked to the order in which they were developed and implemented throughout the stages of the game's development. For example, the first six courses in the list are present in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and the next three courses would appear as placeholders in Spec III of said title.

The seventh course, Indy, would appear in Gran Turismo 5 Time Trial Challenge, which was a demo released before the game's final release, intended for 2010 North American GT Academy competitors. DLC courses appear at the bottom of the list.Special Network SettingsIt is unknown what the function of any of the options here is, as toggling them doesn't appear to do anything in the game.

However, it can be assumed that most of these options here are linked to the Online Race mode (labeled as 'labellounge' in the Toggle Display category). The Online Race mode can be assumed that it was the mode in which developers of the game used to join online races or lobbies. Assassin's creed pirate. The 'lounge' moniker could refer to what the developers called online races and lobbies. Online Lounge Demo - Function unknown; unchecked by default.

Lounge View Change - Function unknown; unchecked by default. Change View Using the Keyboard in Spectator Mode (Press F1 to Activate) - Function not exactly known, but is probably what it says on the tin. The game did have keyboard support, but only for navigation and chat. Unchecked by default. Auto save replay in Lounge - Function not exactly known, but is probably what it says on the tin. Unchecked by default.

Disable Lounge Chat - Function unknown; unchecked by default. The next three entries, which are News, GT-TV, and Museum, are also present in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and each entry has an Update button next to it.

Pressing the Update button will display a confirmation about updating said content, but doesn't appear to do anything. Also next to each entry is a Remove button, but is disabled.RACEEDIT Mode. By creating a configuration file with the game mode parameter RACEEDIT, once you select an applicable GT Mode event, the game will then load into this screen. This is a fully-featured in-game race event editing utility that might have been used by the developers to create some of the game's events, such as license tests. While some functionality causes the game to soft-lock in an idle state, most of the features still work. The user can completely customize the event, from the event's type, settings, regulations, vehicles that the player or the AI opponents will use, the course used and props to be placed on it, to many other configurable settings. This utility showcases that the game is capable of much more gameplay features than what the in-game events utilize.Main ScreenThere is quite a lot of configurable options to select from, with many of them having their own pop-up dialog box with even more configurable options.

The main screen has a few buttons that don't have a sub-section. The Race Settings category deals with parameters that control the gameplay of an event. The Course Settings category is for changing the course used for the event as well as a few other settings that can be configured for the course. The Car Settings category is used for selecting and configuring the player's vehicle and their Driving Options when on the course. Driving aids, such as Skid Recovery Force, Driving Line, Active Steering, and Stability Management can be configured to be restricted, allowed, or forced to be used for the event. A particular Transmission can be forced for the player to use (such as forcing the player to drive Manual) or allow the player to select.

The event can force the player's vehicle to use a specific type of Front Tires or Rear Tires. The event can also restrict the type of or maximum grade of Tires that the player's vehicle can equip for the event. It is worth nothing that the unused Sports: Super Soft and Racing: Super Soft tires are selectable from this setting. Traction Control and ABS can be configured as well.

They can be forced on to a specific setting, allowed, or restricted for the event. The PP Limit restricts the permitted entry of vehicles by their Performance Points (PP). It is configurable from -1 (disabled) to 1000 in increments of one.RewardsThis section is used to configure any rewards that the player receives for finishing the event, such as Credits and Experience Points, but it doesn't appear to work. Selecting it plays an error sound and doesn't open anything.Cone tab.

This tab allows the user to place 'gadgets' on the course. 'Gadgets' are how the developers define objects that interact with the game's physics model, such as traffic cones, pylons, barriers, tire stacks, and others. Gadgets are often placed during License Tests and Special Events, and with the appropriate configuration of the event, they are used as obstacles that the player most avoid or else they will fail the event. Gadgets that have been placed on the course are stored in the event's configuration as XYZ coordinates. It is worth nothing that not all courses can have gadgets placed on them; a particular course must have gadgets defined in their course files in able for them to be spawned, so a course like the Eiger Norwand Short Course, which doesn't have any gadgets defined for the course, cannot have gadgets placed on it.Also, the gadget as shown in the screenshot here for the Tokyo R246 course, named ' saikoro', is a hidden gadget that is not placed anywhere on the course normally; it is a simple square object with a crudely implemented texture of a traditional six-sided die. If the current course being used for the event has the appropriate course map asset, it will be displayed here.

The red guide blip, which is supposed to trace the course map when adjusting the Vcoord setting, does not do so, and is instead static, not being placed on the course map at all. The user can change the course by selecting Course Change, which querys a list of all the game's available courses to select from. Selecting a new course will load it into the game, also despawning any vehicles that are on the course. Config allows the user to configure a few additional settings.

Finish Coordinates determines a Vcoord value that a vehicle intercepts to finish the event, with the Finish Width setting determining the size of the finish trigger gate. There is a Layout Number setting that can be configured from 0 to 5, but the function of this setting is unknown. Gadgets allows the user to clear the course of all placed gadgets in the event. This category allows the user to select any vehicle that is in the game, as well as set their Driving Options while driving on the course. It is worth noting that the Makes List has manufacturers from and Tourist Trophy, including Vemac, which was a hidden manufacturer in GT4, as well as the complete list of manufacturers from TT. This list is essentially a carryover from.

However, a manufacturer must have vehicles registered to it in the game's databases in order to select a vehicle from this list, so any hidden or unused manufacturers in the game do not have any vehicles assigned to them. The selected vehicle's statistics are displayed at the bottom of the panel, as well as if the currently selected vehicle is permitted entry into the event with the event's currently configured parameters.

The Entry List displays the vehicles that will be entering the event. The vehicle that the player will use can be configured by selecting it from the list. Any other vehicle that is not configured to be the player's will be automatically configured as an AI-controlled opponent. Selecting the sliding-numeral adjuster on the bottom right of the panel controls the current number of entries in the event, however the game will de-load the course if this number is adjusted at any time while using the utility, and will cause the game to soft-lock. Selecting an entry from the list will bring up the entry sub-menu with some configurable settings:. car select will allow the user to change the entry's vehicle to any vehicle in the game. As aforementioned in the Car Settings category above, there are unused manufacturers here, and a manufacturer must have vehicles registered to it in the game's databases in order to select a vehicle from the list, so any hidden or unused manufacturers in the game do not have any vehicles assigned to them.

color changes the color of the entry's vehicle. The colors are limited to what the vehicle is normally available in. start position v configures the Vcoord value of where the entry's vehicle will be placed on the course when the event starts. start speed configures the launch speed of the entry's vehicle in kilometers per hour (Km/h) and is configurable from -1 (disabled) to 500Km/h.

start type will adjust how the entry's vehicle will begin the event. It is the same as the ' Start Type' setting above in the 'Event Settings' sub-section of Race Settings, but this setting uses internal names for the values. class determines the class of the entry's vehicle. Used Car Dealership.Unused Music TracksThese music tracks are not used throughout any part of the game. It is worth noting that there are themes for obtaining licenses and unlocking new 'classes' (possibly referring to race Series for A-Spec and B-Spec mode; Series were called Classes in ).

There are also unused jingles and other themes that were meant to be played when an online race was about to start (of all the files, only 'GT5Champ Start3' was actually used). Each 'theme' also had an electronic version of it, per se, as the motif extends throughout the entirety of the game (Rock for License Tests and receiving Standard cars, Electronic for Special Events and receiving Premium cars, etc.).Source FilenameAudioDescriptionGT5Champ Start1.

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