God Of War Iii Ending

Following the ending of God of War II, God of War III picks up directly after this with a stirring opening narration from Zeus discussing the actions of the rogue Kratos, who is 'commanding' a small army of Titans rescued from the Great War (using the power of the Fates).

My only serious complaint was that it was almost too manly, and my PS3 leaked testosterone every time I played for more than a few hours at a time. Aside from that, the story is interesting, the puzzles were fun despite being easier than those of GOW2, the combat was solid (despite rage of the titans being completely useless), the boss battles were epic and boner inducing, and the environment and character design were straight up eye candy. Kratos is probably the best character you can't relate to.

He's such a kill happy douche that you can't really feel sorry for him, and at times i feel like I'm playing as the villain. He's such a badass though that it's forgivable:).

A GTTV Extended Cuts interview with David Jaffe is up on GameTrailers. In the last 5 minutes of the video, he explains in pretty rich details what was his vision of God of War 3. To sum it up, all of the Gods of every ancient religions would have been tricked by Kratos into fighting each other. Egyptian, Norse, Greek, name 'em. The manner inwhich Kratos kills them is by making mankind forget about the Gods that have abandonned them.

The final shot of the game would have been the three wisemen looking up to the stars, symbolising the birth of modern religions. Check it out here: It's fucking crazy. Who the fuck passed on such a badass scenario? Moreover, who dumped it in favor of what we got? Somebody somewhere at Sony needs to get fired.

Man, that does sound pretty awesome actually. I imagined a more comedic ending: Kratos, having just brutally slain Zeus, begins to start thinking clearly once again as the blood trickles from his brow. Then, looking to the north he roars, 'Odiiiiiiiiiin!!!' (The camera jettisons across the landscape of ancient Europe to the far north, with Odin sitting on his throne. The proclamtation falls upon his ears, he drops his flagon of mead to the stone floor, stands flabbergasted. 'Aaaah fuck, what?!

What do you want now?!' Empires and allies for pc.