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[Prologue/Chapter 1] / [Chapter 2] / [Chapter 3] / [Final Chapter]

Chapter 2 walkthrough under the cut. I will leave hints in italics.

To finish the game, you will have to inspect everything written in bullet points.

1F: 1st floor. 2F: 2nd floor. B1: basement 1, and so on.

Gain glory or notoriety. Recruit allies and followers. With no Resurrection Phials and even more lethal enemies to contend with, will you be able to survive?Forge a hero based on your actions: age and evolve a hero or villain through the actions you choose and the path you follow-be it for good, evil, or in-between.Build your living legend: Through deeds and actions, build a name for yourself across the land. Fable anniversary cheats pc.

N: North, E: East, S: South, W: West, NE: North East, SE: South East, SW: South West, NW: North West, C: center.

Chapter 2: The Blue Bird

New characters: Valentin


Greenhouse E.

Previous save point. Go down and to the left.

Greenhouse S.

Trigger event with Valentin. Retrieve “forgotten key”. Go right.

Greenhouse SE.

• Closest sign is a map. Cannot cross from E to C; from W to C there is a river. In C there is a bird. In NW there is a red cross. In N there is a bear.

• Construction notice. There is a third floor. There is a crack in the 1F left corridor. There’s a drainage issue in the bathroom. There is something in the pink carpet of the third floor.

Go up.

Greenhouse E. (Save point)

• Empty pot. It may still be used.

Blue flowers. There are several kinds.

Blue rose bud. Maybe with a little watering it would blossom?

Retrieve “clay-made hand”. It is holding something…

Sign on corner. It has four quadrants. There is a different flower in each quadrant.

Chest beside sign. Four numbers to open; follow two hints:

Q. 0 0 0 0

H1. Four quadrants / flowers on sign on corner.

H2. Hint on chest asking for amounts on coordinates.






A. (3,5)=top right quadrant, single flower with three leaves; (-1,-1)=bottom left quadrant, four flowers with three leaves; (-1,5)=bottom right quadrant, single five petal flower; (3,-2)=top left quadrant, single lily.
The numbers are the amount of each kind of flower on each quadrant in the order of the clue:
3 3 6 1

Retrieve “seed”. Plant “seed” in pot. Retrieve “vase”. Retrieve “small key”. Optionally, save before proceeding.

Go up.

Greenhouse NE.

• Blue feather.

• Tree.

Desk. Read “Bound book V”. Trigger event*. Siebel leaves.

(*You may only choose one option. If you saved before, you can return to the save point by going Menu>Exit>Back to title>Load and choosing your greenhouse save file. This can also be done at any time, as long as you can visit the greenhouse during the day.)

Go down and left.

Greenhouse C (right).

Cannot cross, but there is a wild blue bird on the other side.

Go right, down twice, left twice, up twice.

Greenhouse W.

Iron gate. “Hours of operation: Midnight.” There have been other doors with operation hours… but midnight can certainly not happen in a sunlit greenhouse, can it?

Pigeons. Talk to every one of them.

• Table with a slot. Insert “clay-made hand”.

Table with hand. It can be rotated.

Q. Hand rotation. Five hints:

H1. A total of nine turns are needed.

H2. First to the right.

H3. Three total turns to the left.

H4. Turns to the right decrease by one each time.

H5. Turns to the left are always preceded by multiple turns to the right, until the final left turn.






A. Work backwards.
7th=left (the right turn before the final left turn is not multiple).
5th=right (the right turns decrease by one each time and are multiple until the last).
3→, 1←, 2→, 1←, 1→, 1←.

Retrieve “wing”.

Go right.

Greenhouse C (left).

Cannot cross. The river below has some planks. Maybe if the water level were higher, they could be used as a bridge.

Go down.

Greenhouse SW.

• The door back in is identical, but it is locked. It is marked in the map with a moon.

Go back in through unlocked door.


Left corridor.

Follow footprints. Use “handaxe” to open crack on wall. Go in.

Inside the hole. (Save point)

Use “forgotten key” to open door. Make sure to save before entering.

Hole room.

Stepping into the dark will send Elisabeth back to the bed in the previous room.

• Clay statue. Can be written on. A book about golems had powerful words recorded…

Q. 1-5 character word.






A. “Emeth”, truth.

Memorize golem’s path.

Starting from where the golem stands: 3↓, 5→, 3↓, 2→, 1↑, 1→, 1↑, 3→, 4↑, 3→, 4↓, 2→.

Starting from where Elisabeth stands: 1→, 1↓, 5→, 3↓, 2→, 1↑, 1→, 1↑, 3→, 4↑, 3→, 4↓, 2→.

Basement 1.

Secret base SW.

Go right.

Secret base SE.

Read “Bound book VI”. Go left.

Secret base SW.

Go up and left. Enter hole. Read “The Blue Bird II”.

Use “small key” with “Water Gates” label to unlock three stage switch. A river could be crossed with higher waters.

Exit hole, go right, up, and right. Enter hole.

Greenhouse C (left).

• (Optional) Glowing item. Too far and deep in water to retrieve. If Siebel were there…


Greenhouse N.

Follow the door and press Enter key to enter.


Follow direction of blue arrows.

• Blue feather.

Secret base SE.

Wake up. Return to were you last were.

Secret base N. (Save point, later)

Go down stairs. Trigger cutscene. Go left, birds will fall. Some are hung upright and some upside down, facing both sides.

Go left.

• Door. Locked. “Only bring gold here!” Wasn’t there a door that said the opposite?

• Sign: Wine cellar.

Go right and down.

• Golem. It is blocking the way.

Q. 1-5 character word.






A. “Meth”, death.

Go in hole. (Save point) Siebel joins.

• First bookcase from left. On left side, read about animal blood. Animal blood is nutritious… Some is more valuable than other. On right side, books “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and “The fox and hens”. All stories about animals.

• Second bookcase from left. On right side, read about pig blood. It seems animal blood can be consumed by humans.

Desk. Read “Bound book VII”.

Retrieve “bird catcher”. There was a wild bird roaming about…

Exit hole. Go to bottom right corner.

• Door. Locked. ↓↓↓ symbol on its keyhole.

Go up.

• Door with bird carving. Four numbers to open; follow two hints:

Q. 0 0 0 0

H1. “Head: up down left right”

H2. Hanging birds.






A. Look at the heads.
Three face up, two face down; three face left, two face right.
3 2 3 2

Bird room.

• Dinner plate. Its lid cannot be lifted.

• Wolf picture.

• Human picture.

• Fox picture.

Retrieve “wine glass” x3. Remember they are borrowed.


Secret base C (left).

• (Optional) Glowing item. Too far to retrieve. Cats don’t like water.

Secret base SW.

(Optional) Go into switch hole. Pull switch down.

Secret base C (left).

• (Optional) Retrieve “small key” with Siebel’s help.

Secret base SW.

Go into switch hole. Pull switch up.



Greenhouse C (left).

Cross river.

Greenhouse C (right).

The blue bird is gone. Place “bird catcher” and leave.

Greenhouse C (left).

When leaving, there will be a bird noise. Return.


Greenhouse C (right).

Retrieve “moon-shaped key”.

Greenhouse SW.

Use “moon-shaped key” to open door.


Sitting room.

Adjust clock hands to 12. Exit.

Left corridor.

Exit through to greenhouse through door opened with “moon-shaped key”.

Greenhouse (night).

Greenhouse W.

• Bed. Read “The Blue Bird III”.

• Gates. They should have opened, since it’s 12.

Greenhouse NW.

Follow the door and press Enter key to enter.


Q. “Have you heard?”






H1. This is an audio puzzle. Walk in the direction of the sighs.






H2. The male voices are up and down. The female voices are left and right.

H3. The top left and bottom right quadrants represent the male voices; the top right and bottom left quadrants represent the female voices. You will “follow” the voices according to their moods.






A. Sighing man ↑; crying man↓; laughing woman→; crying woman←.
1↑, 1←, 1→, 1←, 1↓, 1→, 1↑, 1→, 3↓.

• Blue feather.

Greenhouse (night).

Greenhouse W.

Wake up.

Greenhouse NW.

• Table. Read “Bound book VIII”.

• Can of gold paint. Dunk “iron key” in it. Retrieve “gold key”.

• Vase. It is empty. Another blue rose might go well here.

Bright red flowers in the middle of orange flower beds. (Middle flower bush in middle flower planter). Use “small spade” to dig up. Retrieve “red gem”.

Greenhouse N.

• Flowers. There are bugs flying around. Reminder: bugs approach fresh flowers.

Sign beside door: “One can be found on you, one is buried beneath the unsociable hand, one is buried beneath the red X, one is located in the hallway behind Marie Antoinette.”

Greenhouse S.

• Sign: “Someone was always antisocial”.

• There is only one left hand. (Middle row hand in right flower planter). Use “small spade” to dig up. Retrieve “blue gem”.

Greenhouse E.

Retrieve “watering can”.

• Rose bud. It is the only blue flower remaining. Maybe with some care it could blossom.

Read “Astrology and Life II”. The wheel of fortune’s elements, from the top clockwise, are earth, wind, fire, and water.

Greenhouse NE.

• Graves. Only one is missing flowers.


Left corridor.

• Queen portrait beside library door. Retrieve “green gem”.

Secret base SW.

Go right, up, and right. Use water from flooded hole to fill “watering can”.

Go into switch hole. Pull switch up. Go out and enter now unflooded hole.

Secret base N.

Use “gold key” to open wine cellar.

Wine cellar.

• Wooden box on the left. Trigger event. Retrieve “crayon”. It’s your turn to be found.

• Barrels. “Dog”, “Goat”*, “Bucks”, “Bull”, “Snake”, “Chicken”.

(* Translation issue here: should be “Sheep”. It has been reported and could be fixed in new patches of the game.)

Three glasses had been borrowed before, it’s time to return them.

Q. Which wine would everyone want to drink?

H1. Blood could be consumed by humans and one is highly valued by hunters.

H2. “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

H3. “The fox and hens”






A. Hunter = “bucks” (deer). Wolf = “goat” (sheep). Fox = “chicken” (hens).
Use each “wine glass” to fill with content from the barrel. Exit room.

Bird room.

Return each glass to its corresponding table.

• Dinner plate. Retrieve “bird’s leg”.


Greenhouse (night).

Greenhouse E.

Use “watering can” to water “rose bud”. Retrieve “rose”.

Greenhouse NW.

Place “rose” in empty vase.

Greenhouse N.

• Flowers. Retrieve “white bouquet”.

Greenhouse NE.

Place “white bouquet” on “Me” grave. Retrieve “beak”.

Greenhouse E.

Optionally, save. (The next puzzle gives you a single attempt).

Greenhouse N.

Use gems to open door.

Q. A book seemed to talk about the wheel of fortune and its elements..





A. Read the description of each gem in your inventory. Red = “A fiery, red gem.” Yellow = “A jewel the color of the earth.” Green = “A clear, green gem.” Blue = “A watery, blue gem.”
Clockwise, starting from the top: yellow, green, red, blue. Open door.

Greenhouse C (right).

• Wooden box. It is locked.

• Teddy bear. Examine from different directions. It is missing a hand, a mouth, and an arm.

Use “wing”, “beak”, and “bird’s leg” to repair teddy bear. Retrieve “iron key”. It is shaped like a down arrow.


Secret base N.

Use “iron key” to open door with symbol. Go down.

• Table. Read note. Go left.

Secret base basement.

Trigger cutscene.

Read “The Blue Bird IV”. Go up.


Left corridor.

Follow music. Follow the door and press Enter key to enter.

Stained glass corridor.

Notice eyes follow you. Go up between the ones that don’t.

• Blue feather.


Elisabeth’s room.

Wake up. Follow voices. Exit room.

Left corridor.

Read “The Blue Bird V”. Keep on following voices.

Right corridor.

Keep on following voices. The door to the gallery is open.


Keep on following voices. The door to Marguerite’s room is open.

Marguerite’s room.

The doors to the veranda are open. Trigger event. Exit.


Greenhouse (day).

Greenhouse S.

Trigger event. Read “The Blue Bird VII”. Retrieve “coin”. Trigger event. Retrieve “key”. There is a third floor?



• Clay cicada.

• Clay fox

Save at any saving point. This concludes Chapter 2.

Maps at Chapter 2 conclusion

Hole room = unlabeled leftmost room
Mirror room = Mirrors
Data Room = Reference room

Items at Chapter 2 conclusion

• Rag doll
• Original dress
• Bathroom key
• 1F map
• Formal dress
• Red crayon
• 2F map
• Chocolate
• Matches
• Gold coin
• Fish eye
• (Optional “Left Hand” label key
• (Optional) “Right Hand” label key

Books at Chapter 2 conclusion

• Instructions
• Puss in Boots I
• Puss in Boots II
• Puss in Boots III
• Puss in Boots IV
• Puss in Boots V
• Bound book I
• Bound book II
• Bound book III
• Bound book IV
• Old Diary I
• Old Diary II
• Memo I
• Memo II
• Memo III
• Memo IV
• List
• The Blue Bird I
• The Blue Bird II
• The Blue Bird III
• The Blue Bird IV
• The Blue Bird V
• The Blue Bird VI
• Letter
• Bound book V
• Bound book VI
• Bound book VII
• Bound book VIII